01_4.jpg A Place Out of the RainThumbnailsWrong Place-Wrong Time
She has no idea how long she has been his captive. Most of her memories are gone. All she can remember is this room. She has forgotten the feel of sunshine on her skin and the wind in her hair. Occasionally he will come into her room and release her from her chains. On those days he will usually ravage her in obscene ways with different “toys”. Most are painful and though he gets pleasure from them, she does not. Other times his visits are enjoyable. He will bring her gifts and candy, sometimes flowers. This time it was candy in a heart shaped box. She tries to remember the significance of the box’s shape. Then she remembers…Valentine’s day. It must be February. She thinks back to all the other times he has brought her candy. It has been so many times. She looks at his smiling face in her mirror. She tries to smile but cannot. She just wishes it to end, but knows that it will never end.
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